Monday, December 11, 2006
Enough is Enough!
I tried to listen.. one ear in, one ear out. Just making her satisfied as if I was listening to her. Sometimes I complained a little about an itsy bitsy "what-ifs", just to let the curiosity lift off my brain cells so that those neurons could rest from thinking too hard. But every topic we talked, things we'll be doing when Dad goes to KL for his police duties, like facial treatments, freedom, food, recipes, books, clothes for CNY, shoppings, even hunks! You'll be amazed by how she can related all these points into my big problem and when I begin to either anwering her non-challantly, or trying to drift off the subject, she begins to pin-point at me bringing back all the reasons of why I can't get what I wanted. My itsy bitsy "what-ifs". And for such a "wonderous" reason, she always asked me: Why are you not getting a job yet? That would solve all your problems.
I told her my reasons. I needed a break. I do not want to be reading another 1 inch alphabetically arranged idiom, lexeme, locution, morpheme, name, phrases, sound, term, usage, vocable, sentences, books of regulations.
She already agreed with me. She also agreed that I can go to Singapore to relax before I start to seriously get a job. She even help me to persuade my Dad into letting me crossing the country's border without parent's supervision for the first time. By the way, I have an over-protective dad. Not that I mind, but sometimes it did get on my nerves. She helped me alot, financially. That's why I thought, she, out of all people understood the reason why I am still looking at the 4 blank walls at home. I enjoyed it. At the momet, of course. On her other hand, she still give hints like TeckSeng Plastics Berhad needs people; or Dell's got a recruitment drive at Traveller's Hotel, or Belleview Group has an empty chair; or Muda Paper Mill will definitely accept you if you just send in your resume.
But then again, Mom, just so you know, I've completed my resume on Jobstreet, as well as JobsDB, and other recruiting companies that I can find. I've even bought newspapers, especially saturday's The Star for their thicker recruitment pull-out.
So Mom, I still love you, I will now send my online resumes and wait for their replies, and
enough is enough!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
What a Small Small World
As I was at the table, I was introduced to his group of friends, all from HSBM. Hill Side Black Monkey! (Highschool Bukit Mertajam, to be exact. It's an old family joke that I used to tease my Dad cause he was an ex-HSBMer too. Teeheehee~) Too many of his friends that night, I forgot some names. I smiled and shoke their hands, and joined their table. They were talking about some jokes on their band (they were from their school band team), and catching up on some of their long-lost bandmates, while I look around. I never been to Swenson's before. It's a new 3rd phase of Autocity's. Swenson's is specialized of ice-creams and deserts, but my stomach was too full of the previous dinner. I just asked for a glass of plain water instead.
Then CN asked me to look across another table and asked me whether do I know those girls because they seem to look familiar to her. She guessed they're from CBM (my Dad calls it Cute & Beautiful Maidens because pretty girls studies there in that school during his time, which I guess the reason he enrolled me there too~ wakakaka~ :D ) I looked over at that table and confirmed to her that those girls were 1 year my junior. Very smart girls. Prefects. JPA Scholarships. I knew those girls were looking at me too. Though I have slightly changed my apperance since secondary, there are still something familiar among all CBM girls that as if we know there was a connection somewhere. Then there was another group of people coming in. Me and the girls turned our head simultaneously towards them. There was one girl in the group. Another CBM girl. 2 years my junior, 1 year theirs. What a small small world.
I turned my attention back on my table again. They were talking about Form 6 in HSBM. It turned out all of us were actually in HSBM for at least one week. RoSeSC, CM, and I were there for 2 weeks before going to MMU, but we do not know each other yet at that time. I only know RoSeSC at my first year in MMU. So they were all very surprise to know I was "half"-HSBM too, but yet do not know me. Most probably because I was transferred from CBM to HSBM after Form5. They started to stated their Lower 6's classes, I was in 6PBE. Some of them, I think, were my classmates too, I'm not so sure. Silly, 2 weeks is not enough to know all your classmates. But still, what a small small world.
There's actually nothing significant in this post. Just appreciate the time being together with old friends while meeting the new ones, and discovering that they actually knew your other friends or your friend's friend from another friend. Like a network. What a small small world.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Catastrophies of My OLD Pc
I can't online those past few weeks because of a few malfunctions:-
1) Modem got struck by lightning.
2) Call the Streamyx technician and replaced the old one with a new, smaller, modem.
3) Hardisc A went kaput!
4) Good-hearted technician helpfully-accidentally format my backup hardisc B.
5) Bought a new Hardisc C but my old pc cannot detect it.
6) Ol' hardisc B is back with only 98% recovered.
7) Installing Sweet's present to me, a webcam.
8) Setting up hardisc B to test hardisc C, results is still unknown.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Did household chores all around as usual, sweeping, moping the floor, laundrying for my family.
I haven't really called up my friends and tell them that I'm back yet. I am still hanging around my own home, doing things I'm supposed to do.
And I wondered howcome there's still nagging from my Mom's mouth?
Oh ya, I remembered. I just graduated. Unemployed.
I better get a job. Fast! Sigh... my poor eardrums...
Monday, October 09, 2006
Arsonists on Mooncake Festival
And then, I heard someone pissing, as in "psst.. psst..", in front of my house. I walked to the living room. I immedietly saw the fire! BUT, it's still a small fire.. with many many pieces of them dancing! Then I saw.. 2 guys outside my house. Ooh..Mai..Gawd~~~ Again, the pissing. And then my name. I squinted my eyes. I saw them outside my gate. Those two fellas.. those wanted to set fire. The arsonists! It was.. it was.. I shoke my head left and right, and say, "Hold on, let me get my keys."
I walked into my room, got my keys, opened my gate, and uttered slowly, "What. The. HECK! Are you guys doing to my house??!"
The answer was "mmffm mffm mfffmfmf".
Again the answer, "Happy Moon Cake Festival!"
"Thanx, and the candles are for?? Not burning my gate, i suppose."
Another one answered, "Why? You don't like it?"
"If the purpose is not to burn down my gate, I think it's ok. Why are you guys doing this?"
Answer, "It's a surprise for both you and Jes."
"Oh, I see. So I assume, I should go inside and wake Jes up to see this too huh?"
"Yes, please."
"Hold on." I walked back into my room, and wake Jes, my roomate, up to see the dancing fire outside.
And the night was shaken with, "ARE YOU TRYING TO BURN DOWN MY HOUSE??!!"
**This post is dedicated to CYK & LYY**
P/S: YK, thanx for the mini mooncakes u've made for us. It's a cutie!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Being Officially 22 in Malacca
Anyway, just wanna jot down the memory lane of my 22nd Bday in Malacca, as this will be my last Birthday in Malacca. I'm gonna grad!!! Muahahaha... I just keep counting till the last day I want to leave MMU. And the number gradually decreases. It's a happy thing for me.
Cut the crap, back to my jotting downs. Firstly, I wanna thank my roomie, Jecilyn, for the quite hush-hush "night" which I didn't know what was happening outside my room as she kept me talking to her. Reason: to take my concentration out of it. Next, thanks to my new housemates, Kelvin, Ray, & Xiayan, for pretending not to know when my birthday is. That was very nice of u guys to pretend. By the way, how much did Josh & Jecilyn bribe u guys to keep pretending, huh? Lastly, my grateful appreciation to Sweet for lying to me. Previously Sweet told me that he will not be celebrating on the Eve of my birthday, but the night of my birthday itself. I remember the conversation happened the day before my birthday and it started like this:
Sweet: Z, I wanna tell u this thing about your birthday... You're having your first paper on the 3rd, right? So, I think I'll only be celebrating with you after your exam.
Me: (I was kind of sad actually) Meaning, when?
Sweet: On the night of the 3rd, of course! Your exam is in the morning. So, me & you, at night, after I finish my work, around 7.00pm. Set, ok?
Me: (Sad, but still trying to act cheerful) Sure, darling.
Sweet: I just want you to concentrate on your exams. For your own good.
Me: I know you're doing for my good. Thanks..
So I never suspect anything on the eve of my Bday, except for the anticipation of many phone calls & SMSes from my friends. At 11.00pm, as usual, Sweet called me to wish me an early "Happy 22nd Birthday" and a "good night" before he sleeps. At 11.30pm, YY called just to chat about him playing with his new Nokia N90 while driving from Seremban back to Malacca. I scolded him that it was dangerous to do 2 things at once while driving, and he said he'll hung up just for my sake. At 11.55pm, my phone rang again from YY telling me that he have reached the Malacca states... That was when my 016-line rang. I put YY on hold and pick up the other phone on my other free hand. Straight away the speaker, AP, sang a Happy Birthday song in 3 various languages of English, Mandarin, & Malay. I couldn't keep myself from laughing cause I kept stopping the singer, but he didn't even bother to stop even though I told him I was ROTFL! Anyway, I did thank my friend for his sincerity. Then I was back on the phone with YY, when he suddenly told me to turn to face the window. I was like, OMG you're here right in front of my house!!! YY just laughed when at the same time, outside my room, there were loud voices singing "Happy Birthday". I was, again, HOLY-COW you guys (Sweet & my housemates) were standing right outside my room, with Sweet holding a birthday cake! I shouted loudly with surprise... and then remembered I was actually still on the line with YY!!! Gosh, i must have blasted his eardrums off, which i think his handphone must be many miles away from his ears! Hahaha...
Nevertheless, after blowing MY favourite chocolate cake and all sorts, I opened the gate for YY. YY came down from his car with something hiding behind him. It was obviously my present, but I didn't realize just how big it was until he handed it to me. It was a gigantic red Patrick dog! Thank you dear friend, it's a great pleasure to receive such an enormous Patrick. YY told me he brought something else, and hinted me to look for it. After a few minutes of the guessing game, YK came out of the car when I spotted him hiding in the front seat of YY's big Nissan Frontier!
At the finale, as a usual the very very last ritual of a Bday is to treat everyone a piece of the birthday cake. No one is allowed to play with the cream because of 2 reasons (1) the cake was expensive, i guess.. hehe..; (2) no playing cake games in my room; (3) the cake is small, therefore it is only sufficient for 8 person only! Hahaha...
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Manglish + Chinglish (???)
· Thursday - Bridegroom’s parents go bride’s house to inspect the bed so that the new couple can faster get a baby and happiness in their new life together and their relationship can last for very long. If bridegroom’s parents satisfied with the preparation or decoration of the wedding, they will fold the bed shed. If bridegroom’s parents not satisfied the preparation or decoration of the wedding, they will cancel the wedding ceremony because is bridegroom side give money to prepare the wedding ceremony.
Find any faults? My reflex systems suddenly fingers onto my keyboard and did this --->
· Thursday - The bridegroom’s parents will go to the bride’s house to inspect the bed so that the new couple can devote into each other to have a baby in a short time, accompanied by happiness in their new life together so that their relationship can last longer. If the bridegroom’s parents are satisfied with the preparation or decoration of the wedding, they will fold the bed shed. On the other hand, if the bridegroom’s parents are not satisfied with the preparation or the decoration of the wedding, they will cancel the wedding ceremony because the bridegroom's side is responsible to fund the preparations of the wedding ceremony.
And try translating these -->
Saturday - This is their proper wedding. The bride will wear a ‘kebaya laboh’ (cabaia) and ‘kain sarung sutera berwarna putih (saia) beserta kasut yang bermanik Rambutnya didandan dengan cucuk sanggul dan permata tiruan. Sebelum ke gereja dia mencium tangan ibu dan ayahnya serta seluruh keluarga. Upacara ini dinamakan “large Noiba”. Pengantin lelaki pula memakai suit hitam, baju dan bow berwarna putih berserta topi tinggi yang diikat pita hitam.
...into --->
Saturday - This is their proper wedding. The bride will wear a ‘kebaya laboh’ (cabaia) and a white sarong silk with beaded shoes. Her hair will be tied up in an elegant bun, secured with a ‘cucuk sanggul’ with fake diamonds for the glitters. Before going to the church, the bride is supposed to pay her respect and ask for blessings from her parents and the entire family, especially the elders by kissing the back palm of their hands. This custom is called “Large Noiba”. Conversely, the bridegroom will be wearing a black suit with a white bow and a tall hat which are tied with black tape.
I'm beginning to think of myself as a teacher and a translator.
Gosh, I've only finished page 7 and I still have 13 more pages to go... all with the same TERRIBLE grammar mistakes, which I would say, only happens from a primary student!
Malaysians, please, I pray to you, PLEASE IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Genting Highland with MMU Badminton Club
Just wanna write something on the Genting trip I went last few months. Well, 2 months ago to be exact. A trip to Genting Highlands with the Multimedia University's Badminton Club (2005/06), with all living expenses fully paid for 3D/2N, and a free buffet meal at Coffee Terrace, one of Genting's most expensive restaurant. Coffee Terrace is the most fabulous restaurants I've been to, not considering it's lovely interior, but also it's extensively large selection of local, nyonya, western, japanese, etc. (I can't finish the whole list!).
We arrived on a very cloudy day. So, instead of taking the pictures of the greeneries, we took pictures of ourselves.
And we checked into our hotel rooms at 3pm sharp. It was exhausting and everybody's taking a rest...

Chee Perng & Me Playing with His New Nokia N70
On the second night, that's when the badminton gluttons went to Coffee Terrace to rip the yummy food off the buffet table! >:)

Me & Cutie Cupcakes =)

Me & Chee Perng... again... (don't know why, but I love taking pics with this fella.. just hope he don't get too perasan now.. Muahahaha... =P )

Me & Kelvin, my new housemate... still at Coffee Terrace~
After dinner, the gluttons wanted to go for walk outside to take some fresh COOL air after they've stuffed a whole amount food into their tight tummies. And some serious things we were after..

Did WeeYet vandalize the police car??? Hmm.. I don't think I'm allowed to post the next-actioned picture.. Kekeke...
Serious or not, that was not the actual case. There are more serious things that these guys planned AND WANTED to do... which is...

AHA~!!! Chor Tai Di---> Caught In The Act!!!
Lastly, when the trip was over, we managed to get a very darn clear picture of the mountains from "someone's" new N70.

Last Comment: It was an enjoyable trip, just too bad that I didn't join them to the Kuala Lumpur International Motorshow 2006 (KLIMS). It was also a tummy-filling trip with a 3 free buffet meals which makes Sweet commented, "You're getting fatter in the past 3 days!" when I reached Malacca. But then again, he took me to a steamboat buffet on the next night!!!
So, how can I not eat all these mouth-watering buffet meals?
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Ex-CBM Student and Staff Gathering
I wonder who's going.. for all i'm sure is SookMing. I don't know about the rest. As for myself, I have to loose this good opportunity as my semester starts on the 19th of June 2006. A week before the longing date. An opportunity cost I have to make. Pah~ more of economic terms. Convent, oh, Convent BM, I miss my alma mater so much...
Since it is the appointed choice I HAVE to MAKE, then so it is. I CAN'T GO TO THE GATHERING EVEN THOUGH I WANTED TO~!!! ='(
Sigh... for those who are going, hope you guys can enjoy yourselves!
Bring me alot alot of pictures or photos, ok? Including our beloved teachers who has already retired. I really miss you people...
Monday, May 22, 2006
Jokes Founded~
Anyway, got these jokes from an email of mine.
Four friends reunited at a party after 30 years.After a few laughs and drinks, one of them had to go to therest room. The ones who stayed behind began to talk about their kids and their successes.
The first guy says: I am very proud of my son, heismy prideand joy. He started working at a very successfulcompany at the bottom ofthe barrel. He studied Economics and BusinessAdministration soon he waspromoted and began to climb the corporate ladderbecoming the General Manager and now he is thepresident of the company. He became so rich thathe gave his best friend a top of the line MercedesBenz for his birthday.
The second guy says: Damn! That's terrific!! My son is also my pride and joy, I am very proud of him. He startedworking at a traveling agency for a very big airline. He went to flight school to become a pilot and also managed to become a partner in the company where he now owns the majority of the assets. Hebecame so rich that he gave his best friend a brand new jet for his birthday.
The third guy says: Well, well, well congratulations!! My son is also my pride and joy and he is also very rich. He studied in the best universities and became an Engineer. He started his own construction company and became very successful and a multimillionaire. He also gave away some thing very nice and expensive to his best friend for his birthday. He built a 30,000 sq ft mansionspeciallyfor his friend.
The three friends congratulated each other mutually for the successes of theirs sons.
The forth friend who earlier had gone to restroom returned and asked: What's going on, what are all the congratulations for?
One of the three said: "We were talking about the pride we feel for the successes of our sons.'' And then he asked, "What about your son?"
The forth man replied: My son is Gay and he makes a living dancing as a stripper at a nightclub.
The three friends said: What a shame that must be, that is horrible, what a disappointment you must feel.
The forth man replied: No, I am not ashamed. Not at all. He is my son and I love him just as well, he is my pride and joy. And he is very lucky too. Did you know that his birthday just passed and the other day he received abeautiful 30,000 sq ft mansion, a brand new jet and a top of the line Mercedes Benz from his three boyfriends?
In biology exam paper,the teacher ask the student to draw a female-reproductive organ. 1 girl feels shy and looks down...
A guy shouts, " Sir, she's copying...!"
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Have to substitute him with 'Simple Life' TVB drama instead. Sweet will be soooo mad when he knows I had stuck myself with the idiot PC. Idiot box, Idiot PC? Whatever. Hahaha.. Anyway, me tummy started grumbling at 3.15pm. Late lunch.. Or was it "Luntea"?
To my scrangky kitchen I went in a hope to dig out something edible, but all i could find was expired Maggi Mees. Sigh.... Then my eyes got hooked on Milo... ooOOOOoooOooooOOoooo... Milo... MILO... M.I.L.O..... M. I. L. O.
My fingers uncontrollably grabbed the Milo like it hadn't been for ages...
And then I opened the Milo tin... put the lid aside...
The Milo was hard like STONE~!!!
How to eat?? How to eat?? I think I have surprised you. Yes, I EAT MILO.. not drink. Yes, I am a MILOMONSTER, I eat Milo. Muahahahaha... But my Milo today was as hard as a stone...
darn! darn! darn!
I looked around... saw something glitters that caught my eyes.
Ah-hah! A KNIFE!!! Felt like wanna kill Milo and eat it. I mean, "kill" Milo. I took the knife and started poking at first at the Milo, then only started punching the knife in when the Milo was really really hard. No bluff. Really hard Milo. Kill! Kill! Kill! Muahahahaha... MUAHAHAHA... The Milo came out in a cookie-like texture.. hard like cookie, shapeless like pebbles, but taste like chocolate. Emmm... Delicious.. Tat's was what I want!
~*~A Milo cookie~*~
Hence, what I've done the whole afternoon was digging for more Milo Cookies!
And people says workaholic, I'm so Miloholics~
Sunday, April 30, 2006
TriNite 2006 @ Equitorial Hotel
And so.. after Fiesta, I think I should write something on TriNite as well.
For some obvious reson, TriNite was better than last year. And also not forgetting that it IS better than Fiesta. I got ready at 5.30pm to wait for SeowBoon to fetch me to the hairstylist's place to get my hair and make up done. Alex was here with me in my house waiting for his sister too. The appointment is at 6pm but we reached there at 6.20pm, for some reasons. Though we were late, I still like my make up and hairdo. And I get it with the money I paid with. Yes, I paid with. No more sponsors this time.
Those people are really professionals, I tell you; I got my brows nicely done within minutes, and make up in 5, and those added sparkly eyeshadows. The hairstylist is fast with her hands. I asked for a full-hair-up, but she said my hair is too thick, it'll be too heavy and too big if all my hair are up on my head. So she suggested a half-hair-up. I argued that it'll be the same style with others, I don't want my hairstyle to clash, I WANT TO BE THE ONLY ONE! And so, she suggested a side-half-tie. I wondered what does she mean, but I just let her deal with my hair as long as it doesn't clash with other people. Firstly, she split my hair into half, top & bottom. Then she took the top part, an separate them again into four strips; two front, and two back. She took the back strip from the left, twist it a little, and pinned it on the right side. Later, she gathered the pinned hair together with the back-right strip and made a loose french braid. It looks like a loose stupid french braid hanging on my right ear at first, but it appears to be a trick. The hairstylist took a thin-pointy comb and begin to brush hard at the braid from the tips to the roots of my hair!! My face was going to scream, "Holy cow! My hair!!!", but after a few seconds, the shape comes to view. The hairstylist was actually trying to make a rose from my hair. The "rose" eventually came out in petals and afew 'hair-loops' acting as leaves, and the top braids (which was not combed roughly) as the stem; was pinned at the off-right of my hair. It was secured with numbers of hairpins and an amount of strong holding spray. I was quite satisfied with her 'artwork' but it still look a little bit plain though, IF we didn't notice the 'rose'. In the end, I asked her to spray some gold & maroon colour on my hair, and add a little bit of glitters for the final touches. An additional of RM10. But I was satisfied anyway. Hehehe...
By the time we changed and charged into EQ, it was already 8.05pm. I tried to call Sweet to wake him up before this, but he doesn't want to pick up my phone. He sent me an SMS later telling me that he might not be able to make it because he felt feverish. I was kind of sad because it is my final year, I've got myself done nicely, satisfied with my hair & make up, felt beautiful in my new golden-red gown, but here I am, in the prom... partnerless. I even told my friends about the bad news, when they asked me where Sweet was. My friends tried to cheer me up with the excitement of taking photographs together. They're so nice and considerate. Really love these bunch! Saw a friend of mine holding a bouquet of flowers standing near a table, so I went up to him planning a tease in my mind. I teased him about the secret girl who's gonna get his bouquet, he just smiled sheepishedly and suggested that we take pics together. I agreed, and asked him whether can i hold the flowers? Hehehe... (Hmm.. this reminds me to take my photo from him.) I thanked him for the photo, and he thanked me too, and he complimented on me!! Muahahaha... he said I was beautiful... Muahahaha... *flying on cloud nine** beautiful... you're beautiful... *cow jumped over the moon*... you're beautiful, it's true.. Muahahaha... beautiful.. *ROTFL~* (dreaming~) Ahem~Anyway, I thanked him and complimented his 'lengzhai-ness' too.
Anyway, Trinite's program flow goes on very well, from an outsider's view. The entertainment was AWESOME!!! We had Amber Chia, Jaclyn Victor, Daniel Lee, & Reshmonu in da houz! After those performance, we've met LiLing's friend, Kevin Lim, who's working in EQ. Kevin brought us around the nice pictorial places in the hotel. Took quite a number of pictures... about 500 pictures from 4 digicams!!! After the prom, PureBar (one of the local clubs) gave free entrance to Trinite guests. We planned to go there initially, but it was fully crowded. Totally no space to dance.. So we went to Greenworld to shake our arses instead. After clubbing in a prom dress (with everybody in the club looking, it was very difficult to dance indeed), we went to Limbongan Burger to just let loose and hang around before the pretty night ends.
Sweet was being very sweet tat night.
(10) Sweet brought me a baloon when nobody has... I tied it to my chair, but I do not know who steal it later on. Wanna curse that fella! That was from Sweet, no one ought to take it away from me!!!
(9) Sweet bring me a plate full of dinner (main course, soup, and desert) when he knows I'm inconvenient to hold my dress while snatching food from the buffet table.
(8) Sweet brought me drinks the whole night whenever I am thirsty.
(7) Sweet pulled me another balloon to replace the lost one.
(6) Sweet purposely cut his hair to suit the style.
(5) Sweet blends well with my friends too.
(4) Sweet danced with me.
(3) Sweet purposely choosed a tie to match with my gown.
(2) Sweet bought me a beautiful necklace to match this prom.
(1) Sweet is SO DARN SWEET!

Saturday, April 08, 2006
Sam dgn Dol = Malaysia's "Dumb & Dumber"
DOL: Sebab semalam semasa aku tengah minum,
lembu tu terajang aku. Nasib baik tak mati.
SAM: Apasal ko marah kat tokey kedai 2 Ringgit tu?
DOL: Sebab dia tipu. Aku beli 3 barang dia mintak6 ringgit.
Kata kedai 2 Ringgit
SAM: Kau kata binatang peliharaan kau mati lemas?
Mana kau tau dia mati lemas?
DOL: Sebab aku bela ikan emas. aku jumpa ia mati dalam air!
SAM: Semalam aku nampak hantu!
DOL: Uih! kau terkejut tak?
SAM: Taklah.... hantu tu yang terkejut tengok aku.
DOL: Mana kau tahu?
SAM: Aku tengok muka dia pucat semacamjer....
SAM: Apasal kopi yang kau buat ni rasa masin?
DOL: Gula dah habis!
SAM: Yang kau pergi campur garam apasal?
DOL: Kan aku kata, sebab gula dah habislah!
SAM: Aku tengok kau beberapa hari ini "candlelight
dinner" dengan bini kau, mesti dia suka.
DOL: Dia marahlah. Aku lupa nak bayar bil elektrik,
api rumah aku dah kena potong!
SAM: Aku ada AIDS? mana ada...
DOL: Aku baca 1 dari 10 orang kat Negara ni ada aids.
Aku dah tanya 9 orang, semua tak ada aids, kau orang
ke 10, takpayah tanya, aku dah tahu...
SAM: Dol, aku dengar bunyi batuk kau makinteruk!
DOL: Iya ke? kalau macam ni aku kena banyak berlatih agar
dapat batuk dengan lebih baik lagi.
SAM: Dah dua kali perompak yang sama datang merompak
kedai kita.
DOL: Tu lah aku dah cakap kat kau, jangan pasang signboard
Friday, April 07, 2006
Fiesta 2006 @ A' Famosa Resort
Frankly, this is the most suckiest prom I've ever been to. It's not like I've been to many proms, but as eyes may judge, it's not even a pass from me. I don't mean to put it so harshly, but still, I don't find the money Sweet paid to this prom is worth it. Nevertheles, I wanna Thank Sweet for it, including the hair & make up, even though it really really is not worth the price. Sorry Sweet, your first time setting up your hair is a disaster~~
# 1) Never ever let your 'customers'/prom attendees wait for 3 hrs just to get our hair done.
# 2) Never ever ''fight for your rights'' with your 'customers'/prom attendees.
# 3) Never ever cut queue with your 'customers'/prom attendees .
# 4) Never ever give a black face to your 'customers'/prom attendees . Are you guys mourning or something???
# 5) Give good directions, please.
# 6) Give something that is of good quality when 'customers'/prom attendees have paid so much.
# 7) Give a SWEET smile, please.
# 8) Give better lucky draw gifts. Most of us do not need either Snoopy figurines trash from McD or A' Famosas' undersized T-shirts. Sweet can't even fit the L-sized ones!
# 9) Give better entertainment, please. No more 5 minutes breakdance, 10 minutes band, 15 minutes babbling babboon as MC!!!
#10) DO NOT say ''Please don't dance too close!'' during Prom. It's a PROM for goodness sake!!!
Anyway, on the bright side, we've managed to make use of the place and turn it into a nice piece playground.
Me & Sweet on the stage after the night ends. Yes, I'm wearing hippie style to this prom. The theme is 'Waltzing Through Time' which people are suppose to be wearing costumes from the past eras including 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, hippie fashion, or traditional costumes.
Me & Andrew (from M'sian Idol 1). Nobody realized he was there. REALLY NOBODY... except me. Was the trend of M'sian Idols craze just dwindled away or it's just the crazy ol' me? Anyway, just taking this photo for my sisters to get jealous to~ Muahahaha.... >:)
AND a Bday place for my BLOVED NeohKor and BoonBoon too~! MuuuuuaaXX~!!! <3
My Neoh Ah Kor... and BoonBoon... Happy BurFFdaY~!!!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Lost 016 HP
You've made me so miserable,
Without you I am nothing,
Without you I am useless,
Without you I am scatter-brained;
You've made me thinking of you,
Especially when I'm searching in my pocket,
Especially when I'm searching in my bag,
Especially when I'm searching on my desk;
You've made me so nostalgic,
With your black & white screen,
With your great & small body,
With your sweet monotone & loud voice;
And also the one-sided red earrings with 6 crystal studs.
Why, oh, why don't you make yourself reappear?
And save me from all those troubles,
And save me from all those dilemmas,
And save me from all those naggings from my mother!
My dear RED Nokia 8310 with red band and 6 crystal studs,
You are the present from AhMi & AhPa for my 19th Bday present,
That is why, I so wish to have you back...
Please come back to me...
I Love you so Much~
Sunday, March 26, 2006
1) K-Economy Presentation
I kind of forgot about this presentation which me and my Groupmates are suppose to be presenting because I'm so busy with my Sun-Tzu assignment. 5 minutes before 2.00pm, I called up YiFang to ask her to sign the attendance for me. Luckily she reminded me about my assignment! Darn thingy, I forgot! And the worst thing is that I have no preparations and it's 5 more minutes to 2.00pm. Quickily I called WeeSean and asked him about the circumstances. I was really lucky because at 2.10pm, the first group is still setting up their slides, my group was the fourth group to present. I only have a few minutes to brush my teeth, bathe, and.. prepare for what I have to day in front of about 100 students. (Luckily, most of them skipped class for that day. So, i have only about 70 students, instead of 100. Ngek.. ngek... ngek...) Anyway, i reach class about 2.45pm, and about 3.20pm, it's our turn. And I would say. I did my presentation good enough. ;-)
Presentation was kind of normal to me as we, in the management class, had had alot of practices during our beta and gamma years. I was not nervous or anything.
Aiyah, macam biasalah kan... dah buat presention banyak kali.. dah kira boring lar.. Hehehe...
2) Strategic Management Presentation
This is the most troublesome assignment I've ever had! We're suppose to read Sun-Tzu Art of War and its strategies and apply it together with the strategies taken out from our textbook, and present it to "the investors from country called Guahuduit" so that they will have the confidence to invest in our company, Telcom which our competitors are Tigi and Naxis. Anyway, our dear country Guahuduit doesn't exist. I nearly laughed out loud when some of my coursemates really THINK THAT GUAHUDUIT IS A REAL COUNTRY!!! What a general knowledge~ Really burst my tummy out of laughing! Men-siasui-kan IB students nia..
Actually, Guahuduit means 'Gua-U-Duit" in a hokkien-malay mix, which also means, 'I Have Money'. Anyway, this presentation doesn't goes well as planned because the time is so limited as we did showed a corporate video that have taken about 13 minutes of our time. Another lecturer from the next class knocked the door of our class to rush us out. Darn fella!!! Doesn't he realize that our marks rely heavily on this StooPiG assignment?!!! *anger* Chicken Bum Bum Him!!!!
3) Global Operation Midterm Exam
OK, this I was well waaaay behind for this subject's exam. I mean, everybody's been studying so much and I had only 1 night to study. All because of those damn 2 presentations! But I still gotta hit it.
4) Assignment Submition
The previous was only a Sun-Tzu presentation, but now I have to rush for the written Sun-Tzu assignment! Had only a few hours of sleep. Luckily the class was cancelled due to the midterm exams we had previously. Meaning, I get the whole day off. No class for the day. Yippee!!! But the assignment pulled my mood down the drain again.. SIGH....
5) Free Day
My free day of the week. I don't feel like doing anything except start studying on my next e-commerce midterm on coming Monday and lying down on my bed and relaxing and day-dreaming and snoozing..... Peace at last... But~!
My roomate's friends from Tangkak came. So the peace actually only last for a few moments. SIGH... Never mind, at least I did studied 1 chapter before they arrived.
6) Continuation of Midterm
Boohoohoo.... I went for Badminton in the morning before in hit the books in the evening.. Was there with a few of my friends, including, HiAW-Ge, my badminton sifu! It's been a long time since I've played with him, well, usually, he teach me more than I play with him, since he's my sifu. Hahaha... *ok, cold joke*
Came back in the near-evening, and dinner with LiLing and AhFung. Buzzed NeohKor at first, but it seems that he was not at his desk, I suppose. =) Went to Family Heritage to have my dinner as LiLing have the sudden urge for chicken chop. And so, the late dinner (I don't really like Family Heritage because of their lack of efficient service. The food is ok though. Only ok. Just average) was with LiLing's ENORMOUS chicken chop and free water for only RM6; my PETITE and UNDERSIZED fish & chips and free water at RM7 (kinda regret for ordering it); and AhFung's rendang chicken rice and free water at RM5. My tummy was itching for more when i finished my fish & chips, so I hantam LiLing's chicken chop! Muahahaha.... *evil laugh*
And also... Thanx to HiAW-Ge for the barli drink. He cook it! And brought it to me! Soooooooo touched... cause he went out in a hurry, riding his motorcycle BAREFOOTED!!!
Was studying until halfway my head can't input anymore points. My roomie and her friend SMSed me on going clubbing.. and so... I mean, since i can't input anymore, why not just went out for some fun and continue studying later? Furthermore, I've promised I'll go to PureBar with them "someday". Glad that they've picked "this" day anyway. Hahaha...
Clubbing ended kinda early at about 2.30am cause they've heard that the police are having a road block at some place, somewhere. So we went for a little supper before heading back to Bukit Beruang. And.. I am sooooooo touched again! This time by NeohKor, as he wanted to wait for me to come back.. but he have to wake up early the next day because of his TaiChi practice. Nevertheless, AhKor... really thank you for your concern ya...
Came back about 4.00am, in the rain, and my hair really smells like it's been ducked in a heap of smoke! Spent half an hour in the bathroom just to get rid of the smell, and wait for a couple of hours continue studying while waiting for my hair to dry before falling asleep...
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
One day a 6 year old girl was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was going to explain evolution to the children.
The teacher asked a little boy: "Tommy, do you see the tree outside?"
TOMMY: "Yes."
TEACHER: "Tommy, do you see the grass outside?"
TOMMY: "Yes."
TEACHER: "Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky."
TOMMY: "Okay."
(He returned a few minutes later.)
TOMMY: "Yes, I saw the sky."
TEACHER: "Did you see God up there?"
TOMMY: "No."
TEACHER: "That's my point. We can't see God because he isn't there. Possibly he just doesn't exist.
A little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions.
The teacher agreed and the little girl asked the boy: "Tommy, do you see the tree outside?"
TOMMY: "Yes."
LITTLE GIRL: "Tommy, do you see the grass outside?"
TOMMY: "Yessssss!"
LITTLE GIRL: "Did you see the sky?"
TOMMY: "Yessssss!"
LITTLE GIRL: "Tommy, do you see the teacher?"
TOMMY: "Yes ."
LITTLE GIRL: "Do you see her brain?"
TOMMY: "No."
LITTLE GIRL: "Then according to what we were taught today in school, she possibly may not even have one!"
You Go Girl!
Monday, March 06, 2006
Concoction 3
Back to the recaps~
1) CNY day 1
Invited my ex-collueges, Ms. Kam, Poh Hwa, May Lan, Siew Lee, Tat Huat, and AhKhoo, to my open house. Too bad AhCheng & WenSiauChen can't come as their hometowns are far away. Keeping promises of calling them out for yamcha whenever i'm back in Penang. Had a nice chat till wee hours!
2) CNY day 2
A day spent in my grandmother's house with the WHOLE family, even the extended ones. Had a nice gathering with my cousins, with those cheeky ones running here and there.
3) CNY day 3
Corina came to visit me. PheiYong & YeanTheng wanted to come too, but they can't come back on time, thus gotta leave visits to my house out.
4) CNY day 4
Went to LaiShan's, WayNah's, SweeIm's, CheaYing's, YitShee's, and ChoonNai's house. Got lotsa angpows and lotsa delicious delicacies for my tummy! We wanted to go to Corina's and PheiYong's house too, but sadly, they're not in. SookMing's not free too. =(
5)CNY day 5
Back to Malacca with my Papito, Mummy, and both of my bratty sisters. Met Sweet's parents for dinner at Dynasty Sung in Malim. What a hearty 8 dishes meal it is!!! Went back to City Bayview for a rest over the night.
6) CNY day 6
Went to Sweet's house in Nyalas in the morning. Had lunch in Tangkak. Then, Papito, Mummy, and both dear sisters left for Kay-Elle. Sisters will be having their final exams.
7) CNY day 7
Papito & Mummy drove back to Penang by themselves. Take care dears~
Leaving me to meet my new roomate, Jecilyn, a Kelantanese. A nice girl she is.
8) CNY day 8
First day in campus after 4 long months. Nothing really changed except for the zinc shade they did connecting Plaza Siswa and block B. By the way, it's the Hokkien's CNY!!! Gong Xi! Gong Xi!
9) CNY day 9
I can't really recognize faces anymore. I don't mean to ignore my friends but, i'm just either forget their names or forget their faces, or both. And by the time i remembered their names, they are already a distance from me.
10) CNY day 14
8 course meal at Dynasty Sung again! Hehehe... But divided by 19 person is kinda cheap at about RM23 per person. I can't really remember the exact price anymore, but it's somewhere that figure. "Last" day for those crazy bunch to gamble 'chor tai ti'. Hehehe...
11) CNY day 15
Last day of CNY...
huu..huu..huu.. ='(
12) Valentine's Day
Still have class on tiring Tuesday... but luckily my tutor is so darn understanding! Might be he has to rush home for some early preparations too~ Hehehe...
Reach my house and Sweet just say, "Today wear nice nice, k?". I wondered where are we going to have our dinner. "Newton". Crazy fella, told me to dress-up and we'll only eat in Newton? "So? Alot of people are eating at Newton." With a formal dress-up but dine in Newton?? Are you out of your mind? "There's alot of office people who eats at Newton after work. We can look like one of them." Yeah right, and on Valentine's Day too~ *eyes rolling* If we are really there, you can expect me to take a taxi back, no charges from you though. "Okok... (drags me out of the house) Let's just go into the car. (Drags me into the car) Here we go!"
In the end, we stopped at Simply Fish and ordered their Valentine set. Luckily, we were one step ahead, because it was getting crowdy later on. Met my cousin, PhitHuan, and her bf, and LingSing and her bf there too. Such a happy moment! The service was kind of slow, might be because the shop was so pack with loving couples. Well yeah, including us. Teeheehee~
The food arrived after tons of pestering to the waiter & waitresses.
After dinner, Sweet gave me another surprise! Wine!!! One glass of white wine, and another glass of red wine in Renaisance. Never thought Sweet was so 'this' romantic! *gush gush*
We were kind of full with the fillings of chicken, fish, oysters & wine in our tummies. Sweet suggested a walk before we go home and continueing his FYP project. I was kind of down when i heard about his FYP. It means that the night is near the ending.
Once again, Sweet did his surprise. We went for a walk in the "Venice of Malacca". It was a pretty riverside walk. Colourful lights abloom from the both side of the river. The Malaccan government did do a great job at creating a romantic atmosphere. Kudos to them!
On our way back to the car, we're met another couple with a bottle of wine at the hood of their car. I think the guy is PROPOSING to the girl! Aww... how lovely.. proposing on Valentines...
And... as us.. we just have to congratulate them, wouldn't we?
This is the LuVLy couple --->
Also, we've got ourselves photographed =D
Upon reaching the gate of our house, Sweet says it's not complete. I just looked at him as i was expecting the end of the night. I was pampered too well with those seafood, wine, and the walk; what could i expect more? He did better than i expected. Sweet grinned sheepishly and turn to the back of his car... let a hand into his car boot... and out come... a bouquet of red roses~!!!
"The night is not complete without any roses," says Sweet. AAWWwwww... *gush gush*
Darling, 143 u too....
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Chinese New Year
1) Do not sweep the house on the first day of CNY.
2) Do not display any means of sharp objects around, e.g. scissors.
3) Do not swear/harsh words.
4) Do not wash your hair during CNY.
5) Wear red, if possible, add some gold colour onto the outfit.
6) Get more angpows!
ICYMINT @-',---
Sunday, January 22, 2006
The Balancing Act
Once in a house, I picked up a rag cloth, walks up near the round thigh-high chair situated next to a round stool chest-high, with the rag cletched tightly in my fist. I took a deep breath, and puts out my right foot on the stool. I let my right leg's calf muscle to pull my body up. My hands opened widely to balance myself while on the way up. I know my right leg is stronger than my left leg. I took another deep breath. Puts my right foot on the high stool, again with the elp of my calf muscle, i help myself up. The stool shook a little. I streatched my arms again to take the balance. Once i get used to the left & right sway, I started to turn myself to face the grilled-window. And my hand with the rag starts to go up and down parallel with the designs of the window grill... when I'm finished, I turn... and heard a voice,
"Hey, you've missed a spot there!!!"
P/S: Feliz 'Primavera Limpiar'!!!
Happy Spring Cleaning!!!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Gurls' N!T3 OuT
Who : 6-7 CBM girls
When : 9.30pm
Where : Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at Autocity, Pg
As usual, my Wednesday of 5-7pm s my sports hour. I never mention this in my previous posts as i never had the chance.. (truth is, i'm lazy). Well, anyway, I don't know what's gotten into me today as my stamina don't stand long as usual. I got tired pretty quick for my usual stance. Not like me at all. Might be the heat. Those alluminium rolled-up doors really kept the warmth in the badminton hall even though it is sheltered with high ceilings and well exhaust fans. It must be it, the alluminium trap the heat in the hall. It felt just like sauna.. hot and steamy! (hehe.. minus the steamy or else it looks like ******)
Went straight back home for dinner and found out tat Mom do not plan to cook. Had a teochew dinner in town after a few jefty suggestions. Rushed back to get in time with the girls later. I am so exhited. I haven't met LYT & JAT since Form5!
Reached at 9.30pm but none of them was there yet. I guess I was early. Luckily i brought my paperback to accompany me while waiting.. Sweet called in just the right time, cuz i was so not into the content of the book. On one eyeball, I kept reading the same page over & over again, as the other eyeball are scanning for my frens.. Later, those girls just appear from nowhere and poof! right in front of me. Miracles happens.
SM, PY, YT, HC. All my old frens.. PY just came back from Aus for a 1 month hols while YT, also came back from Aus, are looking for a job. Both graduated... unlike me... still an undergrad. Huu..huu..huu.. Having a chat over coffee are always a nice time to hangout. The only thing missing is the breeze. Sigh... We teased each other verbally just about everything.. mostly focus on PY's new Aussie bf. Hahaha! And the orange-coloured perfetly-round insignificantly-low moon. Oh yeah, we cover all the aspects of the Zen-Art-of-Conversation, studies, jobs, bf, lost fren, coffees, pay dutch, and of course, the weather. Paradoxically, actually.
Sigh... might as well focus on tommorow's lunch appointment with Datin Cheong... then ShOPPinG at Pacific~!!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Back with Junkmails
I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back with a whole lots stories to bable.
I've left alot of things idled.. my blog... my friendster.. and most importantly.. my e-mails! So don't be surprise when I haven't read some of your mails mailed to me like 1 month ago~
So now, I'm currently blogging back my style while checking junkmails. Yes, I do read junkmails. They are a colour to my inboxes! Categories of exquisite places of interest; rare pictures; photos of celebrities and X-posed celebs; friendship/love poems; jokes, more lame jokes; precaution emails abt sex assults, rapist, police, etc.; sex stories/pics (c'mon, be open-minded); sexy ladies with revealing outfits (not that I mind though, but I prefer sexy men pics), what else that I've missed?
I can accept all those as to entertain my life when i am either
- bored;
- having my meals in front of my pc;
- very very bored.
But, some junks that I can't accept is
- Pics of babies, especially FAT "ADORABLE" BABIES that look like the icon of Michelin;
- Yes, pictures of animals are cute... but NOT in FORCED mode. An accidental shot of one of those cutie pies are enough to make my day;
- No more adobe-photoshopped fat babies being made looking like Doreamon;
- Gory pics of how abortions are done which those featus are compared with the size of a cent.
Anyway, time to foward foward foward junkies.
By the way, I've filtered my mails. I'll just be fowarding those which I think is really really nice. To those who are my "victims", all i can say is... ENJOY~