Monday, October 09, 2006

Arsonists on Mooncake Festival

It was past midnight. On the eve of Mooncake Festival, where the moon is round, clouds are gray, and skies are black. The sight of the night is so illuminating. Just the right moment to reach tranquility.

And then, I heard someone pissing, as in "psst.. psst..", in front of my house. I walked to the living room. I immedietly saw the fire! BUT, it's still a small fire.. with many many pieces of them dancing! Then I saw.. 2 guys outside my house. Ooh..Mai..Gawd~~~ Again, the pissing. And then my name. I squinted my eyes. I saw them outside my gate. Those two fellas.. those wanted to set fire. The arsonists! It was.. it was.. I shoke my head left and right, and say, "Hold on, let me get my keys."

I walked into my room, got my keys, opened my gate, and uttered slowly, "What. The. HECK! Are you guys doing to my house??!"
The answer was "mmffm mffm mfffmfmf".
Again the answer, "Happy Moon Cake Festival!"
"Thanx, and the candles are for?? Not burning my gate, i suppose."
Another one answered, "Why? You don't like it?"
"If the purpose is not to burn down my gate, I think it's ok. Why are you guys doing this?"
Answer, "It's a surprise for both you and Jes."
"Oh, I see. So I assume, I should go inside and wake Jes up to see this too huh?"
"Yes, please."
"Hold on." I walked back into my room, and wake Jes, my roomate, up to see the dancing fire outside.

And the night was shaken with, "ARE YOU TRYING TO BURN DOWN MY HOUSE??!!"

**This post is dedicated to CYK & LYY**
P/S: YK, thanx for the mini mooncakes u've made for us. It's a cutie!

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