Thursday, December 07, 2006

Catastrophies of My OLD Pc

It's like 1 month this blog's untouched. Literal spiders crawling all over it.
I can't online those past few weeks because of a few malfunctions:-

1) Modem got struck by lightning.
2) Call the Streamyx technician and replaced the old one with a new, smaller, modem.
3) Hardisc A went kaput!
4) Good-hearted technician helpfully-accidentally format my backup hardisc B.
5) Bought a new Hardisc C but my old pc cannot detect it.
6) Ol' hardisc B is back with only 98% recovered.
7) Installing Sweet's present to me, a webcam.
8) Setting up hardisc B to test hardisc C, results is still unknown.

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