Friday, April 08, 2005

Buat Baik Dibalas Baik, Buat Jahat Ditolak Markah.

Wanted to sleep; but yet, wanted to share a short part of my conversation. So, gonna do it in point form. Simple. K.I.S.S.

Went mamak wif my roomie (DF) & KimFei (KF). 3 ppl in RMR.
Me: Limau panas too hot.
DF: Limau panas too sweet.
Me: If order ais kosong got charge wan ar?
KF: Got gua.. either 10c or 20c.
ME: Aiyor.. when we pay time, dun mention ais kosong, they won't know rite... hehehe... *giggles evilly*
DF & KF starred at me. They sighed. Then...
KF: U still got exam.
DF: Huh?? *puzzled*
KF: Dun cheat... Buat baik dibalas baik; buat jahat ditolak markah!
Me & DF: ***JAW DROPPED***

(P/S: If anyone of u wanna cheat any mamak stalls, better do it when u dun hv exams. Btw, 'heaven got eyes'. Sigh...) I'll list down the cheatable mamak stalls in Bkt Beruang when i hv the time. Sleepy now. G'nitezzz world....

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