Friday, August 01, 2008

In a Blink of an Eye

In a blink of an eye, 10 months passed.
In a blink of an eye, I've resigned from my second job.
In a blink of an eye, I've made plenty of good friends... and still counting.

Time really flies when you are either busy with work or having fun, which in my case, would be the latter. I've enjoyed myself in my previous company. I have, again, gained some other knowledge in the other field, like Geography, time zones, cultures and celebrations, languages, pronunciations, accents or different slangs used in different countries. It's really interesting to know for a fact that the Filipinos love to stress on the vocal "e" and consonant "r", eg. "Meeesterr" for "Mister"; or to master the Indian accent, you need to swing your head around while speaking to the get that perfect accent whereby you would stressed on each and every consonant in the word and silent the "h", eg. "eXCuse Me, Can YoU PLeaSe TeLL Me hoW To GeT To BaNJaRa hiLLs iN iNDia?" ( I can give you a very good imitation if you ask me nicely.. hehehe...); or the Thais loved porns so much that they even add it to their names, eg. Pornchai, Panuporn, Sukhaporn (which sounds like 'suka-porn' in the malay language).

However, over here, your seniority rise up fast. Blame it on the high turn-over ratio. Working with them for 1 less than 1 months, you're considered a newbie, 6 months makes you an old-bie, 12 months makes you a grand-bie, and 18 months and above you're called a hag-bie!

One thing I liked very much is the happy hour after 5.00pm on a Friday.
Hands off the phones! Get down the stairs! Go to Hardwicke! Have a beer!
Celebrate! It's another TGIF! Another week gone! In a blink of an eye.

1 comment:


Hey there! Come and join us for a BBQ buffet at the beach in Penang this Christmas with watersports activities included! Sign up now! Check out my website at Thanks! See you at the beach!